The recovery of the historical heritage is a challenge that attracts us, it is a barrier of historicism, sustainability and reinterpretation of the past.

In the heart of the city, where the urban hustle and bustle intertwines with historical memory, stands an imposing building that keeps a fascinating past within its walls. It is a former jewelery factory, once a center of creativity and artisanal production, which is now preparing to be reborn as a vibrant gastronomic and accommodation destination.

Far from being a simple remodel, this project resembles a vertical archaeological dig. Layer by layer, the vestiges of later interventions will come off, revealing the original essence of the building. Each brick, each beam, each fragment of material will speak of an era of industrial splendor, of skilled hands shaping exquisite pieces and the tireless rhythm of machinery.

Just as an archaeologist unearths hidden treasures, this project will rescue the historical value of the building, returning it to its original splendor and reinterpreting it to integrate it into the current dynamics of the city. The old factory will become an urban oasis, where the aromas of haute cuisine mingle with the evocation of a glorious past.

The restaurant, located in the heart of the building, will be a tribute to craftsmanship and tradition. Its interior design will evoke the delicacy and detail of the jewelery pieces that were made there, creating a sophisticated and welcoming atmosphere at the same time. Guests can enjoy unique rooms, each with a design inspired by different aspects of the jewelery making process.

More than just a space to eat and sleep, this project will become a journey through time, a tribute to the industrial history of the city and an example of how architecture can be reinvented to adapt to new needs without losing the identity